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“Leather and Lace” Florida Tea Cup Memorial

    “Leather and Lace” Florida Tea Cup Memorial

    We are on our way! We’ve received the doilies, the leather, the name tags, the Tea Cups. There’s been such a response there are 100 more Tea Cups on the way.
    What a beautiful display of Remembrance, Love, and Honor. We are providing the first 100 Tea Cups. Once you become a Tea Cup Holder you will always be a Tea Cup holder and represented at every event. This is not an annual send your information Memorial.
    “Leather and Lace” Tea Cup Memorial will include your loved ones Tea Cup, the Leather or Lace doilie. Leather will be used for the men. Lace and crotchet doilies will be used for the women. Yes, we have pink and blue for the babies, children lost entirely to early. The purple ribbon and white organza we tie to every Tea Cup. There is nothing as breathtaking and heartfelt as walking into the event room and seeing all those dancing, flickering flames that live on and help us by just being there- to soften hearts and open minds to what we need our legislators, communities, medical professionals to hear and feel.

    Every Tea Cup Holder will also be printed and placed on the Tea Cup banner that accompanies the Tea Cups to all events. We do NOT charge parents for their lost loved ones to be placed on a banner. Others do- We do NOT!
    The Tea Cups are $15.00 and lovely. Decorated with love and care. They just bring tears to my eyes.
    Please if you have questions- email: Subject line : Tea Cups
    Our first stop we are hoping will be the Governor’s Mansion. The First Lady has already inquired about them and that is her desire. There are 67 Counties in Florida. We hope to meet with leadership in all. We have sent a Save the Date. However, with Covid- We are being very careful in penning down dates. I would expect our Tea Cups to hit the road soon. Hopefully, Summer of 2021.
    **We did, and I feel comfortable in saying- The Holiday events, were postponed due to Covid. I believe, it was the only responsible thing we could do.**
    My heartfelt thanks to all the Mothers who have already paid it forward for Moms, siblings, Spouses struggling. Just to ensure another Tea Cup is lit and Honored. ❤
    Please donate, even if you are not a Tea Cup holder. Just someone who’s life has been negatively impacted or you’d like to sponsor a family who has lost their loved one. We all need a little help from time to time.
    Leather and Lace Tea Cup Memorial

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